Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a powerful treatment to help you regain control over your thoughts, feelings and eating habits. Hypnosis is an excellent tool for weight control as it helps you reach a state of total relaxation. As a result – your mind becomes open to the direct, and indirect, suggestions I make to you.
My programmes are so effective as they empower you to become, and maintain, your perfect weight.
Think Yourself Healthy
Do you want to regain control over your thoughts and feelings? This is the time to improve your eating habits and be your ideal weight.
This intense one-to-one session includes:
- one x 120 minute consultation
- one x 60 minute follow-up session
- information on how to stay in control and attain your ideal weight
- a detailed pack containing self awareness sheets, practical strategies to try at home and simple record keeping ideas
- simple and effective NLP techniques to help you stay in control
- effective ‘Weight Loss Hypnotherapy’
- a personalised download/recording for continuing weight loss self-hypnosis at home
You will also learn how to continue your weight loss journey successfully at home with strategies, self-hypnosis and a positive mindset!
Remember Weight Loss is in the MIND!
Price – £245
Think Yourself Healthy – Follow Up
Do you want to continue having control over your thoughts, feelings and eating habits?
This includes:
- one x 60 minute session
- information on how to continue to stay in control and move towards your ideal weight.
- practical bespoke techniques audio-recorded for you
- an individualised action plan
- effective ‘Weight Loss Hypnotherapy’
- a personalised download/recording for continuing weight loss self-hypnosis at home.
Remember Weight Loss is in the MIND!
Price – £85
Think Yourself Healthy (Workshop)
Shaping the mind to shape the body!
Do you want to become the best ever version of yourself? This is an amazing new signature workshop – combining hypnosis with effective NLP techniques to become your ideal weight.
This intense three hour workshop includes:
- an explanation on why we gain weight easily
- information on how to attain your ideal weight using your conscious and subconscious mind
- simple and effective NLP techniques to help you stay in control
- a detailed pack containing self awareness sheets, practical strategies, simple record keeping ideas and wall affirmations
- interactive activities
- effective and targeted weight loss hypnotherapy
- a ‘self-hypnosis’ recording for continuing weight loss at home.
Coffee/Tea with light refreshments is included in the price.
Price of Workshop – £49.50
Early Bird Price £29.70 (40% off)
Thinking about booking an appointment with Jenny Diane Hypnotherapy?
Please send your message via the contact form or call me on
07801 584 024 to discuss how I can help you.